

Agriculture is a contemporary expression of society. It mirrors the values, challenges, and aspirations of our times.

We aim to:

Gather a collection of contemporary visions arround agriculture practices.

Create an effective communication system that provides an engaging experience for people.

Explore, learn and share through an inclusive project-driven network of collaborators.

Reflect, exchange and contribute to achieve positive impact.

Redefine the narrative of agriculture, to transform it into a beacon of innovation, inclusivity, and inspiration.



The Agriculture Biennale is not just an event but an urgent call to action emphasizing the intricate bond between humanity , food, and the land that sustains us. In essence, it underscores the belief that our future hinges on how we nurture, innovate, and evolve our agricultural practices today.


01. The process of fertile land transforming into desert typically as a result of deforestation, drought, or inappropriate agriculture.

Food Security

02. Ensuring that all people have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Transgenic Crops (GMOs)

03. Genetically modified organisms in agriculture, focusing on the development and implications of genetically modified crops.

Pesticides Use and Impact

04. Examining the use of pesticides in agriculture, their effects on crops, the environment, and human health.

Global Warming and Climate Change

05. The impact of global warming on agricultural practices, crop yields, and the overall sustainability of farming systems.

Sustainable Farming Practices

06. Exploring methods of agriculture that are environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially responsible.

Soil Health and Conservation

07. Understanding the importance of soil quality and conservation in agricultural productivity.

Water Management in Agriculture

08. Techniques and challenges in the efficient use of water for irrigation and agricultural production.

Agricultural Technology and Innovation

09. The role of technological advancements in improving agricultural productivity and sustainability.

Urban Agriculture

10. The practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around urban areas.

Agroecology and Biodiversity

11. Focusing on the ecological aspects of agricultural systems and the importance of biodiversity in agriculture.

Agricultural Policy and Subsidies

12. Examining government policies and subsidies and their impacts on farming practices and food systems.

Food Waste and Loss

13. Addressing issues related to the loss and waste of food in agricultural and food systems.

Agribusiness and Market Dynamics

14. The economic aspects of agriculture, including market dynamics, supply chains, and the role of agribusiness.

Animal Husbandry and Welfare

15. Issues related to the raising of farm animals, including welfare, ethical considerations, and environmental impacts.



Through a project-driven organization designed to create a dynamic and inclusive platform where projects that intersect agriculture with other disciplines are showcased. These projects, ordered alphabetically and numbered sequentially as received, form an index that highlights the diverse ways in which agriculture intersects with various fields.

This approach could foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, encourage innovative thinking, and offer fresh perspectives on agricultural challenges and solutions.

The Agriculture Biennale is a urgent call to action!